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Diagnosis Of Focal Formations Of The Thyroid Gland With The Use Of Complex Of Methods

Yashnar Mamasalievna Mamadalieva , MD, DSc, Professor, Head Of The Department Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics Of The Department "Oncology With A Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics" Center For Professional Development Of Medical Workers Of The Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Iroda Zokirkhodzhaevna Pulatova , PhD Associate Professor Of The Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics Of The Department "Oncology With A Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics" Center For Professional Development Of Medical Workers Of The Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Khasan Khalikovich Khushnazarov , Lecturer Of The Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics Of The Department "Oncology With A Course Of Ultrasound Diagnostics" Center For Professional Development Of Medical Workers Of The Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Makhfuza Botirovna Abdukodirova , Ultrasound Doctor, Private Clinic "MEDFAYTEM" Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The research paper presents the results of diagnosis and treatment of 82 patients with focal thyroid masses. Based on a complex study of patients, main specific diagnostic criteria were determined, the use of which allows to detect thyroid cancer in their early stages. It was educed, that multiself-reactance ultrasonic research, including В-mode, EDC, DDC, spectral Doppler and elastography assist upgrading of research in the early exposure of chasse of thyroid.


Thyroid tumors, complex ultrasound diagnostics, elastography


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Mamadalieva, Y. M. . ., Pulatova, I. Z. . ., Khushnazarov, K. K. ., & Abdukodirova, M. B. . (2021). Diagnosis Of Focal Formations Of The Thyroid Gland With The Use Of Complex Of Methods. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(02), 111–117.