The Impact Of National Culture On Marketing Strategies Of LADA Company’s Dealers In Uzbekistan
L Kadrkhuja Djuraxodjaevich Boboev , Deputy Dean Of Corporate Governance Faculty, Tashkent State University Of Economics, UzbekistanAbstract
This research looks at the national cultural factors that affect Lada company’s marketing strategies in all regions of Uzbekistan. For data collection, this is an exploratory analysis focused on interviews and questionnaires of 39 marketing and sales managers. Content analysis and coding techniques were used to interpret the data. The results show that the studied national cultural influences have an effect on marketing campaigns at various levels. Six considerations affect sales campaigns, while power distance and uncertainty avoidance influence new product release the most. By far the most influential cultural influence on communication and advertisement campaigns is language. The results suggest that when entering the Uzbek market, managers can design and implement better business strategies. This study adds to our understanding of Uzbek culture and its effect on customer behavior, a crucial element in marketing.
Hofstede’s dimensions, Uzbekistan, Marketing strategies
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