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Adopting Managerial Marketing Strategies To Revive The Declining Position Of Industries In The State(Experience Of Borno State)

Umar Mohammed Ali , PhD, Student Of City University Cambodia
Dr Omonbude Mike , Registrar (English Section) Universite Protestade L' Afrique De L' Ouest (Upao) Porto Novo. Republic Of Benin


The research work was conducted to find out  on the adopting of managerial marketing strategies to revive the declining position of industries in the state, The study will help Borno state industries to identify the marketing style/ marketing strategies on day to day activities on managing it industries in the state the research also reveal that the marketing strategies and marketing logic that will be use to attract more prospective customers to patronize Borno state industries goods , Base on the finding,  it was reveal that Borno state government need to invest a higher amount of money to boost the economic standard of state,  create more job opportunity to the teeming youth of state,  and also attract foreign direct investors for the survival of the industries of the state, all the industries need to adopt PS of marketing mix programme,  marketing segmentation, packaging branding vertical marketing system and horizontal marketing system, price of product fixing policy,  distribution channels,  method of advertising channels  product life cycles stages and the rest. Borno state industries to move out of these economic recession all the industries most adopts managerial marketing strategies for the revival of Borno industries.



Managerial, marketing, industries, revive, strategies, adopting, declining, position, state


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Ali , U. M. ., & Mike , D. O. . (2021). Adopting Managerial Marketing Strategies To Revive The Declining Position Of Industries In The State(Experience Of Borno State). The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 3(02), 46–55.