Corporate Governance, Financial Integrity, and Their Interplay with Leverage and Company Size
Bakti Hasan , The Faculty of Economics and Business, Riau University, Pekanbaru, IndonesiaAbstract
Corporate governance plays a crucial role in ensuring financial integrity within organizations, serving as a framework for effective decision-making, accountability, and transparency. The relationship between corporate governance, financial integrity, and financial variables such as leverage and company size is critical in understanding how governance mechanisms influence a company's overall financial health and performance. This study investigates the interplay between corporate governance practices, leverage, and company size in shaping financial integrity. Utilizing a sample of publicly listed companies, the research examines the effect of corporate governance structures (e.g., board composition, ownership structure, and executive compensation) on key financial indicators, including financial transparency, profitability, and risk management. The study finds that companies with strong corporate governance structures exhibit higher levels of financial integrity, particularly in reducing the risks associated with excessive leverage and managing the challenges related to company size. Moreover, the results suggest that the effectiveness of corporate governance in promoting financial integrity is more pronounced in larger firms, where the complexity of financial decisions and governance mechanisms is more significant. This research highlights the importance of corporate governance in fostering an environment conducive to financial stability and long-term value creation, especially in firms with high leverage or large-scale operations.
Corporate Governance, Financial Integrity Leverage, Company Size
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