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Technological innovations in marine engineering: advancing sustainable fleet management

Anatoly Matveev , Technical Superintendent, Tipco Maritime Company Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand


This article provides a detailed analysis of modern trends in technological innovations within the field of marine engineering, aimed at transitioning to more sustainable fleet management methods. The focus is placed on the implementation of alternative fuels, digital solutions for navigation optimization and vessel system control, as well as the development of intelligent energy systems that reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. A significant component is the digitalization of the maritime sector, encompassing the use of big data, blockchain technologies, digital twins, and intelligent routing systems. This approach enables comprehensive vessel monitoring, increased transparency of supply chains, and more accurate operational risk forecasting.

Particular attention is given to the role of port infrastructure, as its modernization is critical for the adoption of low-carbon fuels and the establishment of "green corridors." Additionally, the importance of training personnel capable of effectively utilizing innovative technologies is emphasized, along with the need for harmonizing legal frameworks that regulate digital data exchange. The comprehensive strategy proposed in the article integrates technical and organizational aspects and aims to strengthen the economic potential of maritime transport while adhering to principles of environmental responsibility.

Thus, this study provides a thorough overview of the prospects and challenges associated with the development of technological solutions for shipping and proposes ways to address them through an interdisciplinary approach and collaboration among all stakeholders in the industry.


Marine engineering, sustainable fleet management, alternative fuels


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Anatoly Matveev. (2025). Technological innovations in marine engineering: advancing sustainable fleet management. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 7(01), 25–31.