Samuel Wandeto Mathagu , Kirinyaga University, School of Business & Education, KenyaAbstract
Binge-watching has led to a growing concern for the undergraduate students' academic performance. The increased and easy access to internet and streaming devices has provided an opportunity to college students who consider binge-watching as a gratifying pass time. Recent studies explored various effects of binge-watching on adults, teenagers, and students; nevertheless, the current study focuses on determining empirical predictors of academic performance as a result of binge-watching. The data used in the research was manually collected based on a survey administered to college students (N = 150) and analysed using the MANOVA and ANOVA tests. The BWESQ instrument was used for measuring binge-watching levels. On the other hand, procrastination and academic motivation were measured using the procrastination scale and motivation engagement scale (MES), respectively. The outcome of the study shows that binge-watching intensity can predict academic motivation and academic procrastination in college students. Participants with high binge-watching behaviours demonstrated higher procrastination tendencies (F (1,147) = 7.891, p = 0.006). Conversely, high binge-watchers showed low academic motivation, which is a negative effect on the academics of the student (F (2, 146) = 4.326, p = .015). Findings suggest that a mixed-method approach would be appropriate for future studies on binge-watching effects on the academics of college students. Moreover, researchers should re-conceptualize academic performance by including both academic procrastination and academic motivation measures in future research.
binge watching, academic motivation, academic procrastination, undergraduate students
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