Usman Khan , MS Scholar, IQRA University, Islamabad Campus, PakistanAbstract
The effectiveness of advertising hinges on its ability to persuade and resonate with a specific target audience. This study explores the art of persuasion in advertising by analyzing the components that create impactful messages. The research focuses on various psychological and emotional tactics used in advertisements to influence consumer behavior, such as the use of storytelling, emotional appeals, social proof, and scarcity. Through a comprehensive literature review and case studies of successful advertising campaigns, this study identifies the key elements that contribute to the effectiveness of advertisements. Furthermore, it examines the role of digital media in enhancing the reach and precision of persuasive messages. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for marketers and advertisers aiming to craft messages that effectively engage and convert their target audiences, offering a strategic framework for creating compelling advertising content that drives consumer action.
Prsuasion, advertising, target audience
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