Dr Umar Mohammed Ali , Lecturer Department of Business Administration, City University Cambodia Africa campus, CambodiaAbstract
Sadaqah is any voluntary act of righteousness or kindness that is made with no expectation for anything in return. There is no minimum amount of Sadaqah that must be given and no requirement to give regularly. Sadaqah can be split into two further acts of kindness, Sadaqah itself, which is considered a short-term gesture and Sadaqah Jariyah, which is a gesture that gives long-term. There is no requirement to what you need to do to fulfil Sadaqah, meaning that something as simple as sharing your knowledge in Islam can be a gesture that continues to give.
Sadaqah Jariyah differs slightly from Sadaqah. While Sadaqah Jariyah is still a voluntary form of charity like Sadaqah, it must have a lasting impact on the receiver. To that end, examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include planting a resourceful tree, such as fruit trees or contributing towards the building of water wells, schools, or hospitals .
What's beautiful about Sadaqah Jariyah is, you can donate on behalf of someone, whether it's for someone alive or a deceased family member. For your loved ones, they will be rewarded in their graves and in the hereafter as if it was a deed they've performed when they were alive.
Benefits, Sadaqah, Jariyah
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