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Dr. Bandar Khalaf Alharthey , Associate Professor, marketing Department, Business Administration College, Taif University, Saudi Arabia, P.O. Box 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia


This study explores the complex interaction between artificial intelligence (AI) and customer behaviour in Saudi Arabia. The study, while investigating, considers the influence from different aspects, including awareness, perceptions, personalization's, trust, cultural and socio-economic variables; it then unfolds the entire impact, providing a holistic understanding. Government actions, partnerships, and regulatory bodies are found to induce AI adoption; consumer inclination also result from different cultural norms and diversified beliefs. The findings highlight ensuring the real-world applications of AI contain practicability and distinctiveness is conditioned by matching them with social norms, thereby understanding whether they will be a cause of change or just a cause of automation. Lines of class or caste are drawn with the help of multi-faceted AI utilization. The insights from the study show that the impact of AI on customer behaviour in Saudi Arabia is multi-layered, and every layer of it comes with strategic advice to be crafted by businesses and policymakers to navigate the transformative environment properly.


Artificial Intelligence, Customer Behavior


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Dr. Bandar Khalaf Alharthey. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR . The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 6(03), 26–40.