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Haider Harbi Hassan , University Of Babylon, College Of Administration And Economics, Department Of Department Of Business Administration, Iraq
Zahraa Yassin Alwan , University Of Babylon, College Of Administration And Economics, Department Of Department Of Business Administration, Iraq
Mohamed Fakhry Berto , University Of Babylon, College Of Administration And Economics, Department Of Department Of Business Administration, Iraq


Examining the impact of the dimensions of strategic thinking on outstanding performance reveals a crucial link between the ability to anticipate future trends, make informed decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances effectively. By honing skills in critical analysis, innovative problem-solving, and long-term planning, individuals and organizations can navigate complex challenges with more agility and success. Strategic thinking also fosters a proactive mindset that enables them to capitalize on opportunities, stay ahead of the competition, and achieve sustainable growth. Ultimately, integrating these dimensions into decision-making processes can significantly elevate performance and drive remarkable outcomes in various contexts.


Ultimately, the competition, elevate performance


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Haider Harbi Hassan, Zahraa Yassin Alwan, & Mohamed Fakhry Berto. (2024). EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF THE DIMENSIONS OF STRATEGIC THINKING ON OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 6(02), 23–39.