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Moqdad Ibrahim Jassem , Department of Business Management, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Iraq


Customer engagement has been a hot issue for executives and consultants in several firms working in the field of marketing during the last few years. The current study examined the organizational capability of the company's stakeholders' participation, making that organizational capability the independent variable in the study. The value of services is not just applicable to the tertiary market but also to other industries, including manufacturing, where companies offer a variety of services in addition to their tangible products. For the majority of emerging economies, services are essential. Thus, improving services creates a demand and makes it possible to create a new and/or better offer, both of which will help the company rise to the top of its sector. Considering these This investigation would look at how customer interaction affects the inventiveness of the service. In order to achieve this, we investigate how the knowledge source (CPI) and co-developer (CCP) roles of the client might separately impact the creative service agility. We also look at how CPI and CCP affect innovation in services and procedures. Similar research was done on shared confidence as a possible example of consumer involvement. In this way, it offered a theoretical framework for understanding the findings and historical influences on innovation in the CPI and CCP. A sample of 25 service-oriented Iraqi businesses was used in the structural equation model to compare this model to the data. The CPI and CCP stimulate creative resilience, according to the results, and thus Confidence makes it easier to cooperate. Creative processes and services benefit from innovative adaptability as well. This essay makes an effort to fill that gap. Few papers have looked at this subject from a service perspective. It is important to emphasize that product innovation varies fundamentally from service innovation due to the intangible nature of the former, which is why the focus of our investigation was entirely on service organizations.


Engagement of customers, people management, Service sector


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Moqdad Ibrahim Jassem. (2024). DISCOURSED THE BASIC CONCEPT OF ENGAGEMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON STIMULATING INNOVATION AMONG CUSTOMERS IN THE ORGANIZATION. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 6(01), 89–98.