Edward Efendi Silalahi , Univrsitas Bhayangkara Jakarta RayaAbstract
This study aims to determine (1) the effect of humans resources development on employees performance, (2) to determine the effect of information technology on performance, and (3) to determine the effect of job promotion on employee performance of information and technology directorate of PT Telkom Seluler Indonesia . This research method uses a quantitative descriptive research design. The population is all employees of information and technology directorate of PT Telkom Seluler , totaling 52 people and the sample used is taken from the entire population. The sampling technique used the census sampling method. Data collection by using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used was statistical analysis, namely multiple linear regression, F test, t test and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that partially the development of human resources had a significant effect on the performance of information and technology directorate of PT Telkom Seluler . Partially, information technology has a significant effect on the performance of information and technology directorate of PT Telkom Seluler . Partially, promotion has a significant effect on the performance of information and technology directorate of PT Telkom Seluler Indonesia .
Employee performance, humans resources development;, information technology
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