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Michael Ty Mayo , PhD, Provincial Director, Department of Science and Technology, Region Xii, Philippines
Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin , PhD, Professor, Faculty of Arts and Languages, Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines


The study investigates the retention of local inventors and scientist for economic development through policy amendments. It aims to investigate how may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of gender, age, highest educational attainment, and, years of experiences in his/her field. Likewise, to measure existing policies to the retention of local inventors and scientists in the Philippines demonstrating “as Planned” and “as Implemented” among the respondents, to what extent do these policies affect the decision of local inventors and scientists to stay or leave the country, and to what extent does the demographic profile moderate the retention of scientist and inventors in the Philippines.

This study utilizes the descriptive quantitative research design which aims to describe the systematically and accurately phenomenon and situation of the study. Purposive sampling is utilized in gathering the sample size. It is straightforward and simple in its complexity. The study comprised One Hundred Fifty (150) only.

Results show that most of the profiles of respondents are female with the age bracket of 46-66 years of age where they have obtained a graduate studies with 11-15 years of experienced as inventors and scientists in their own fields which shows that they are knowledgeable on the RA 7459 and RA 11035 among them as basis for economic development policy amendment, show that the existing policies to the retention and local inventors and scientists are initially planned by the respondents which is being supported by the government. Likewise, the implemented policies of RA 7459 shows that they are being supported by the government as mandated in the existing policy for the retention of local inventors and scientists in the Philippines, show that the extent of the policies for the decision the local inventors and scientist to stay or leave in the country is being initiated in the objectives of RA 7459 which are conducive for the respondents to stay in the country because the policy is being supported from the government significantly that influences their  decision to continue their work as an inventor/scientist in the Philippines, and show that the extent of the demographic profile moderate in retention of scientists and inventors in the Philippines under the incentives of RA 7459 that motivates them to continue their work as a scientist/inventor in the Philippines since they are satisfied with the overall support from the government for scientists and inventors influence their decision to stay or leave the country.


Republic Act 7459, Republic Act 11035, local scientist


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Michael Ty Mayo, & Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin. (2023). RETAINING LOCAL INVENTORS AND SCIENTISTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH POLICY AMENDMENTS. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 5(10), 104–121.