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Ma. Aurora T. Caday , LPT, JD., DBA, Research Director, Universidad De Manila, Philippines


The study explores the management leadership stylers as a catalyst to organizational strength and perspectives among private and public Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

                Mixed method is utilized in the study which focuses on quantitative measures to measure the extent of management leadership style as a catalyst to organizational strength and perspectives among the respondents while qualitative is used to evaluate how the management leadership style serves as a catalyst to organizational strength and perspectives among the respondents. Likewise, convenience sampling is utilized in the selection of the sample size. The study comprised One Hundred Twenty Five (125) respondents only.

                Results show that leadership is concerned on the well-being of the members of team in the organization, consider as high standard and expect members of the team to do the same, show that everyone believes they can work for the best in the team and involves in the decision making, show that leader is best in bringing people, and show that leaders have the capacity to take responsibility and a role leaders when needed that can be counted to adopt to new environment and flexibility.


Management leadership style, organizational strength and perspectives, leadership catalyst


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Ma. Aurora T. Caday. (2023). MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP STYLE: A CATALYST TO ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTH. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 5(10), 90–103.