Joana Ndone Ebako , Department Of Educational Foundations And Administration, Faculty Of Education Of The University Of Buea Cameroon Dr. Andrew Ekoka Molindo , Department Of Educational Foundations And Administration, Faculty Of Education Of The University Of Buea CameroonAbstract
This study was designed to examine barriers to harmonization of the sub-systems of primary education in the Littoral and South West Regions of Cameroon. The study was guided by two objectives which where to inquire whether bicultural traditions of the country is a hindrance to the harmonization process of the curriculum of primary education and to find out if the fear of assimilation is a barrier to harmonization of the curriculum of primary education. The concurrent mixed-methods research approach specifically the descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The sample population for the study was made up of 20 pedagogic staff from the Regional Delegation, 20 from the Divisional Delegation, 20 from the Inspectorates, 200 head teachers and 300 teachers from both regions. The purposive and simple random sampling techniques was adopted for the study. The instruments use for data collection were a questionnaire (closed ended questions) for Teachers and Head teachers and an interview guide for regional delegation staff, divisional delegation staff and inspectorate staff. Data from the close ended questions was analysed using SPSS 23.0, with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistical tools while open ended questions were analysed thematically. The hypotheses of the study were tested using Chi-square test. Statistically, findings showed that head teachers and teachers did not significantly differ in their perception on the bi-cultural tradition of the country acting as a barrier to the harmonization of the curriculum for primary education (P=0.270, >0.05) whereby majority of the head teachers 154 (76.9%) and teachers 214 (71.4%) strongly agree and agree that the bi-cultural tradition of the country is a barrier to the harmonization of the curriculum for primary education while a minority of the head teachers 46 (23.1%) and teachers 86 (28.6%) disagree and strongly disagree. Statistically, findings showed that head teachers and teachers did not significantly differ in their perception on the fear of assimilation acting as a barrier to the harmonization of the curriculum for primary education. (P=0.555, >0.05) whereby, majority of the head teachers 144 (71.8%) and teachers 222 (74.1%) of almost the same proportion strongly agree and agree that the fear of assimilation is a barrier to the harmonization of the curriculum for primary education while a minority of the head teachers 56 (28.2%) and teachers 78 (25.9%) disagree and strongly disagree. It is generally recommended that, harmonization in its context of preserving cultural patrimony as an objective of multicultural education. Cultural patrimony refers to the sum total of ways of living, including values, beliefs, aesthetic standards, linguistic expression, and patterns of thinking, behavioural norms and styles of communication, which a group of people have developed to assure its survival in a particular physical and human environment.
Barriers, Harmonization, Bicultural Traditions
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