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Opportunities For The Development Of Ecotourism In Bukhara Region

Aziz Anvarovich Kodirov , Independent Researcher, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


The article describes the importance of ecotourism, which is considered one of the most developed types of Tourism. Specific features and directions of the development of ecotourism in the region are highlighted. The tourist potential of Bukhara region as well as opportunities for the development of ecotourism has been studied. Also, priority directions of development of ecotourism in the region are indicated.



Innovative economy, tourism, region, ecological tourism, potential, tourist potential, Bukhara region, agro-tourism, infrastructure, cluster


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Kodirov, A. A. . (2021). Opportunities For The Development Of Ecotourism In Bukhara Region. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 3(06), 178–182.