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On Some Methods Of Economic Risk Management: Essence And Classifications

Narbekov D.E. , Candidate Of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute Of Finance, Uzbekistan


The article notes that economic risk is one of the most multifaceted phenomena, the nature and components of which are not subject to a simple and unambiguous interpretation. But it should be noted that the classification of risks of this type, taking into account the many factors containing its signs is a rather voluminous problem due to the lack of a generally accepted systemic classification. The author argues that the above classification of methods for managing economic risks makes it possible to determine the characteristics used in their classification in the management process as a whole.


Hazard, phenomenon, risk exposure, risk factors, risk parameters, economic risk, economic risk parameters, classification signs of economic risk management, classification of economic risk management methods


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D.E., N. . (2021). On Some Methods Of Economic Risk Management: Essence And Classifications. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 3(06), 146–156.