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Tuğçe Kumral Yürek , Faculty Of Economics And Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Kultur University, Istanbul, Turkey


The norms and attitudes within the organizational culture do not comply with the interests and expectations of the members of the organization so that can cause anxiety. This study aimed to explore the effect of between organizational culture on anxiety levels of employees. The research sample included 243 respondents from 10 randomly selected companies that agreed to participate in the research. Beck Anxiety Scale and O'Reilly et al.’s Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) was used for measuring organizational culture and anxiety level. The exploratory factor analysis identified seven components of organizational culture namely aggressive, stable, outcome-oriented, innovative, detail-oriented, team-oriented, and people-oriented. And four components of anxiety levels of employees namely general anxiety, acute anxiety and trauma, autonomic anxiety, and subjective anxiety. There was an only significant relationship between the organizational culture and the subjective anxiety which is the sub-dimension of the anxiety levels of employees. The main findings of this study, organizational culture does not affect the anxiety levels of employees. The side findings of this study, there was no statistically significant difference anxiety levels of employees by gender. I suggest that future researchers carry out similar studies using a larger and different sector sample.


Organizational Culture, Culture, Anxiety


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Tuğçe Kumral Yürek. (2023). THE EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ON ANXIETY LEVELS OF EMPLOYEES. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 5(04), 17–25.