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Ismoilov Temurbek Islomovich , Associate Professor, Doctor Of Pedagogical Sciences (Dsc), Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Ganiev Shahzod Ravshanbekovich , Teacher Of The Methodology Department, National Center For Education, Exact And Natural Sciences, Namangan Region Pedagogues To New Methods, Uzbekistan


This article highlights the issue of pedagogical competence, professional competence, formation of professional qualities and development of future teachers based on self-development and self-assessment. The main goal of modern education is to train ambitious and talented personnel who are mature in all respects, socially flexible to contribute to society, able to work independently on themselves, for a highly developed society. From this point of view, the level of competence of the pedagogue is of great importance in the education of a comprehensively developed personality.


Future teachers, pedagogical competence, professional competence


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Ismoilov Temurbek Islomovich, & Ganiev Shahzod Ravshanbekovich. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN FUTURE TEACHERS. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 5(04), 12–16.