D.A. Aslam , Department Of Intelligence And Organised Crime Research University Of Leicester UkAbstract
This article researches the securities of the advanced education area in Afghanistan by looking at covered up non-digressive practices rather than obvious desultory danger construction .Non-verbose practices are outlined by the habitus acquired from various social fields, where a sin Afghanistan, securitising entertainers merge from various habitus to bar the other ethnic or gatherings of people from assets and spaces which could empower these gatherings to turn into a relevant danger, a dread, and a threat to the imposing business model of the state elites over the state force and assets. The most unmistakable securities rehearses emerging from the information incorporate chiefly the impediment of the arrangement of basic thoughts and legislative issues; the obstruction of monetary freedoms; and the check of social equity. This article sends a case study system and utilizations the Kabul University as its subject of examination.
Afghanistan, ; securities, ; viciousness
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