Analysis And Optimization Of The Cost Of Construction And Installation Work At Construction Sites
Sanjar Sherzod Ogli Akmalov , 1st Course Master Of Department “Economics, Real Estate Management”, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abdulla Sagdullaevich Turdiev , Candidate Of Economic Sciences, Associated Professor, Head Of The Department Of “Economics And Real Estate Management”, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Karima Samatovna Tashmukhamedova , Associated Professor At Department Of “Economics And Real Estate Management”, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In this research paper provides analysis of compliance with the construction deadlines showed a violation of the construction duration for many objects. All this speaks of the unfavorable financial condition of the enterprise.
During the analysis, it was found that the increase in cost was associated with an increase in the cost of all production resources. Therefore, to reduce its level, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen control over the more efficient use of enterprise resources.
Analysis, cost of construction, construction sites, installation work, optimization
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