Usmonova Dilafruz Karshievna , Associate Professor of Samarkand State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Uzbekistan Kilichov Bobur Khujakulovich , Master of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, UzbekistanAbstract
The issues of assessing synergistic effects in the field of tourism in Uzbekistan are currently only at the initial stage of discussion. A study of scientific sources devoted to synergy, especially in this area, has shown that there is still no optimal methodology for assessing synergistic efficiency from internal and horizontal integration in a tourist destination. An analysis of the presented methods allows us to state that for the most part they are focused on calculating a purely economic (quantitative) synergistic effect and economic efficiency. In the article, the author proposes methods for calculating the synergistic effect based on the coefficient of social and economic efficiency, which differs from the developed methods by using programming, which facilitates the calculation of the effect of synergy.
Synergy, synergistic effect, vertical
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