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Improving Technologies To Develop Spiritual And Moral Competencies In Future Teachers

Rakhmonova Gullola Shavkatovna , Teacher, Bukhara State University, Bukhara City, Uzbekistan


Increasing the professionalism and competence was recognized as the main driving force of progress and activities leading to the goals of sustainable development. The modern education system involves the further improvement of the mechanisms for raising the competence of future specialists on the basis of a creative approach and an innovative system for putting them into practice. From this point of view, the research competence of future specialists on the basis of a creative approach is of particular importance for creating innovation, creating intellectual resources for socio-economic development through the development of cognitive and divergent thinking based on modern pedagogical processes that create new knowledge, and expanding the training opportunities for competitive personnel. The article looks into the requirements and policies for the competent teaching staff.


Competence, lifelong learning


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Rakhmonova Gullola Shavkatovna. (2020). Improving Technologies To Develop Spiritual And Moral Competencies In Future Teachers. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 2(09), 1–5.