Important Estimates Of Payment Accounting In The Transition Of Uzbekistan To International Financial Reporting Standards
Abdurakhim Nortojiyevich Turayev , DSc, Professor The Department “Financial Analysis And Audit”, Sciences Tashkent State University Of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abdukhamid Sattorovich Umarov , Associate Professor Of Department “Informatics And Management” National Institute Of Fine Arts And Design Named After Kamoliddin Behzod, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In the context of innovative development of the economy, the number of enterprises engaged in foreign trade operations and foreign investments is growing. This article describes the shortcomings of the payment system, international standards of impartiality of information, the priorities of decision-making in Uzbekistan and, above all, the priorities of decision-making, as well as the corresponding conclusions and recommendations for their elimination.
Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Remuneration, New Remuneration System
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