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The Job Of Shopper Brand Encounters And Relationship In Adding To Brand Value For Administrations

Teresa TS Tsui , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Marketing And International Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


Shopper brand relationship has been proposed as an illustration to associate relationship showcasing exercises and brand value. Nonetheless, little examination has been led to analyze what encounters with a brand mean for brand value through the buyer brand relationship, particularly in an assistance setting. This examination targets fostering a theoretical model to portray the primary connections among brand encounters, customer brand relationship and brand value. The model was tried against an understudy test and got sensible help. The utilitarian brand connections, as not the same as various past investigations, offer more to mark value than full of feeling brand connections. Promoting suggestions, research limits and future examination headings are talked about toward the finish of the paper.


Brand Value, Brand Encounters, Buyer Brand Relationship, Administrations Marking


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Teresa TS Tsui. (2021). The Job Of Shopper Brand Encounters And Relationship In Adding To Brand Value For Administrations. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 3(09), 45–48.