Murtadha Atewa Abed , Babil Governorate Education Directorate Ministry of Education, Iraq, Email: - mmurtadha242@gmail.comAbstract
This research explores the significance of theatrical and artistic activities in the educational process and their capacity to mitigate psychological trauma. The research seeks to investigate the theoretical underpinnings of including theatrical and artistic activities in education and their correlation with the process of healing from trauma. The research explores the correlation between theatrical and creative endeavors and psychological trauma. This course offers insight into psychological trauma and its impact on people, with a particular focus on the therapeutic advantages of engaging in theatrical activities for those who have experienced trauma. The research highlights the therapeutic benefits of creative activities for those who have experienced trauma, highlighting the significance of creativity and self-expression in recovering from trauma. Participation in these activities can lead to empowerment, agency, emotional regulation, stress reduction, and resilience development, ultimately enhancing psychological well-being. Social support and community involvement can be nurtured through these activities, enhancing the recovery journey for those who have experienced trauma. The results of this analysis have significant implications for educational practice and methods considering the impact of trauma. Integrating theatrical and creative activities into school environments can provide a nurturing atmosphere for those who have experienced trauma, enhancing their general welfare and academic achievements. The review emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the role of creativity and self-expression in the healing process from trauma. Although the current literature shows the potential advantages of theatrical and creative activities in reducing trauma, it is crucial to recognize the constraints of the present study. Additional research is required to get a deeper understanding of the precise processes by which these activities affect the process of recovering from trauma. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine the most effective methods for incorporating these activities into educational settings.
Altruism, motivation, national character
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