Features Of Influence Of Industrial Enterprises Almalyk City On The Geological Environment
Yusuf Pulatovich Isomatov , Senior Lecturer, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State, Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan Mukhammadzhakhongir Kidirbaevich Akhmedov , Senior Teacher, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State, Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan Server Ibadlaevich Ibadlaev , Senior Teacher, Almalyk Branch Of Tashkent State, Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, UzbekistanAbstract
The article considers that the course of more than 5 decades as a result of the infiltration of contaminated waters of open pits, dumps, slag accumulators of the copper smelting plant (CSP), the production association (PА) "Ammophos", tailing dumps of copper concentrating factories (СCF -1 and СCF -2), as well as due to the leakage of reagents from the sulfuric acid shop through rocks that are not consistent in area and insignificant thickness of loess-like loams, and the penetration of polluting components into the aquifer occurs. Due to the action of the infiltration flow, a change in the chemical composition of soils occurs on solid soil particles, a number of chemical compounds are sorbed.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Yusuf Pulatovich Isomatov, Mukhammadzhakhongir Kidirbaevich Akhmedov , Server Ibadlaevich Ibadlaev

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