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R&D Expenditure As A Factor In The Development Of The Economy Of Knowledge

Khasankhonova Nodira Isametdinovna , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Economics, Tashkent Financial Institute,, Uzbekistan
Abdulkhalilova Saboxat Naimovna , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Economics, Tashkent Financial Institute Index100000, Uzbekistan, Tashkent City, A.Temur Street 60a, Uzbekistan


Creating conditions for R&D in the post-industrial type of development is an extremely urgent issue. With its scientific potential, the economy will be in a significant advanced position compared to developing countries. The article examines the current state of research in the field of the economy of knowledge and innovation, reveals the factors of accelerated development of the knowledge economy. Separately, the requirements are disclosed that make it possible to create systemic prerequisites for the formation of a knowledge economy and an innovation environment.




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Khasankhonova Nodira Isametdinovna, & Abdulkhalilova Saboxat Naimovna. (2020). R&D Expenditure As A Factor In The Development Of The Economy Of Knowledge. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(12), 9–16.