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An approach to developing the scafwording application for vocabulary expansion in GRE preparation

Jasti Manohar Sai , Software Development Engineer at Workday, Atlanta, Georgia, USA


This article examines the process of developing the Scafwording application aimed at enhancing vocabulary skills among users preparing for the GRE exam. The platform employs adaptive methods that integrate reinforcement learning algorithms to implement personalized approaches to the learning process.

The study's objective was to create a tool that facilitates the acquisition of vocabulary necessary for completing GRE tasks. The methodology is based on cognitive principles, including spaced repetition and simulation of conditions close to a natural language environment. The technological process of analyzing user interactions on the platform helps tailor educational programs to individual needs.

Interactive components and progress visualization, help maintain engagement in the learning process. The platform creates an environment for studying words in context, enhancing their practical application.

The results demonstrate that the Scafwording application is an effective tool for learning. The information presented in this study is valuable for students, educators, and professionals as it offers opportunities to learn language based on individually tailored strategies.


Scafwording, vocabulary, reinforcement learning


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How to Cite

Jasti Manohar Sai. (2025). An approach to developing the scafwording application for vocabulary expansion in GRE preparation. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(02), 18–24.