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Astria Agung , Department of Biology, Nusa Bangsa University, Indonesia


Seaweed has emerged as a promising resource in the quest for renewable energy. This study explores the potential of residual carrageenan extract from Eucheuma cottonii as a sustainable feedstock for bioethanol production. Carrageenan, a polysaccharide widely used in food and industrial applications, leaves significant residues after extraction. These residues are rich in fermentable sugars, making them an ideal candidate for bioethanol synthesis. The research investigates the optimal conditions for hydrolysis and fermentation processes to maximize ethanol yield. Results demonstrate that carrageenan residues can produce bioethanol efficiently, presenting an innovative solution for utilizing waste from the seaweed industry. This approach contributes to sustainable energy production while addressing environmental concerns related to seaweed waste.


Bioethanol, Seaweed, Eucheuma cottonii


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Astria Agung. (2025). THE ENERGY POTENTIAL OF SEAWEED: CARRAGEENAN RESIDUES TO BIOETHANOL. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(01), 1–5. Retrieved from