Abduvali Yuldashev , Junior researcher of Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PhD, UzbekistanAbstract
This article analyzes the activities of Khalid Said Khojayev, a linguist who played an active role in the Jadidism movement of Turkestan. He participated in the reformist movements of early 20th century Turkestan and contributed to the national press through his articles. Educated in Istanbul, he worked as a teacher and linguist, participating in language and orthography conferences. He authored numerous works on language, history, and literature. Living and working in Turkestan and Azerbaijan, he contributed to strengthening the cultural and fraternal ties between the two peoples. The article sheds light on Khalid Said Khojayev's activities by analyzing various press sources and scientific literature.
Turkestan, Jadidism movement, Ganja
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