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Waste: The Experience Of Creative Approach, Innovative Suggestion And Practical Classification

Askar Nigmatullaevich Nigmatov , Doctor Of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department Of “Preschool Education Management”, Institute For Retraining And Advanced Training Of Directors And Specialists Of Preschool Education Organizations, Uzbekistan
Bahodir Odiljon Ogli Omonov , Independent Researcher, Institute For Retraining And Advanced Training Of Directors And Specialists Of Preschool Education Organizations, Uzbekistan


The article gives an innovative scientific definition of waste terms through a creative approach to the literature and assets. For the first time, a new classification was developed to take into consideration the waste created in emergencies, and its practical significance was revealed.


Waste, trash, commentary, literature analysis, innovative definition, situation, problem, creative approach, emergency, practical classification


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Askar Nigmatullaevich Nigmatov, & Bahodir Odiljon Ogli Omonov. (2021). Waste: The Experience Of Creative Approach, Innovative Suggestion And Practical Classification. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(3), 56–63.