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Definition Of Puzzolanic Properties Active Mineral Additives In Portlandcement

Gulsanam Ruzimurodovna Tursunova , PhD Student, Institute Of General And Inorganic Chemistry, Academic Sciences Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Farrukh Bakhtiyarovich Atabaev , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Institute Of General And Inorganic Chemistry, Academic Sciences Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Azamat Shamuratovich Khadjiev , PhD Student, Urganch State University, Khwarazm, Uzbekistan
Mirrakhmat Yuldashevich Gulyamov , Senior Researcher, Institute Of General And Inorganic Chemistry, Academic Sciences Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


The article presents the results of testing the use of Angren dry remote active ash and slag in Portland cement as an active mineral additive. It was found that Portland cement with the addition of Angren dry remote active ash and slag renders karrazastoy, ekanomet clinker and it is proved that hydro removed ash and slag (2011 year) does not recommend as an active mineral additive. Therefore, dry remote active ash and slag is recommended for use as an active mineral additive in the production of cement, improving its construction and technical properties. The possibility of using Angren dry remote active ash and slag as an active mineral component for producing cements with low corrosion resistance is shown. Angren dry remote active ash and slag contributes to the formation of the structure of the cement stone, increases its density and strength against aggressive ions, causing increased resistance in aggressive environments. And save up to 30% of cement. It has been established that Portland cement with the addition of Angren dry remote active ash and slag has an intensifying effect on the formation of clinker minerals. Therefore, the Angren dry remote active ash and slag is recommended for use as a mineralizing additive in the production of cement. Use of chemical industry waste with replacement of expensive natural production and consumption waste. At the same time, an environmental problem is being addressed.


Hydraulic additive, swelling, Portland cement, clinker, lime, dry remote active ash and slag, hydro removed ash and slag, aluminum hydroxide, iron hydroxide, calcium hydro-silicate, pozzolan, mineral additives, sulfate resistance, water resistance, hydration, leaching


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Gulsanam Ruzimurodovna Tursunova, Farrukh Bakhtiyarovich Atabaev, Azamat Shamuratovich Khadjiev, & Mirrakhmat Yuldashevich Gulyamov. (2021). Definition Of Puzzolanic Properties Active Mineral Additives In Portlandcement. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(3), 7–12.