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X-Ray And Phase Analysis Of Sio2 Glass

Mussaeva Malika Anvarovna , Institute Of Nuclear Physics RUZ, PhD In Physics And Mathematics Science Senior Researcher , Uzbekistan
Elmurotova Dilnoza Bakhtiyorovna , Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, PhD In Physics And Mathematics Science, Assistant Professor, Uzbekistan
Raximova Yayra Maxmudovna , TSTU, PhD In Physics And Mathematics Science, Assistant, Uzbekistan
Odilova Nelufar Jurayevna , Karshi State University, Assistant, Tashmuxamedovna Sevara Nurullayevna, TSTU, 1 Course Master, Uzbekistan


The formation of nanosized particles in pure silica glass irradiated in water in the reactor core with fast neutrons up to 1019 cm-2 and gamma radiation has been studied by optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Irradiation with neutrons leads to the destruction of the initial mesostructure of a - and β - quartz with dimensions of 1.7 and 1.2 nm and the formation of cristobalite and tridymite nanocrystallites with dimensions of 16 and 8 nm in displacement thermal peaks.


Pure quartz glass of optical grades KI and KV, gamma irradiation, neutron irradiation


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Mussaeva Malika Anvarovna, Elmurotova Dilnoza Bakhtiyorovna, Raximova Yayra Maxmudovna, & Odilova Nelufar Jurayevna. (2021). X-Ray And Phase Analysis Of Sio2 Glass. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(5), 177–181. Retrieved from