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Ecological Grouping Of Phytonematodes Of Pomegranate Agrocenoses Of The Surkhandarya Region Of Uzbekistan

Abdujabbor Sattorovich Bekmurodov , Doctor Of Philosophy In Biology (Phd), Senior Lecturer, Department Of Zoology, Termez Staty University, Termez, Uzbekistan
Masuma Umarovna Raxmatova , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Zoology, Termez Staty University, Termez, Uzbekistan


The article provides data on the ecological grouping of detected phytonematodes on pomegranate agrocenoses of the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. The study revealed 98 species of phytonematodes belonging to 5 ecological groups: pararisobionts-20 species, devisaprobionts-23, eusaprobionts-4, phytohelminths of nonspecific pathogenic effect-34 and phytohelminths of specific pathogenic effect-17.


Phytonematodes, pomegranate agrocenoses, root system, rhizosphere, pararisobionts, devisaprobionts, eusaprobionts, phytohelminths of nonspecific pathogenic effect, phytohelminths of specific pathogenic effect


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Abdujabbor Sattorovich Bekmurodov, & Masuma Umarovna Raxmatova. (2020). Ecological Grouping Of Phytonematodes Of Pomegranate Agrocenoses Of The Surkhandarya Region Of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 167–171.