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The Course Of Pathological Anatomy In A Modular System, As A New Teaching Technology In A Medical University

Zhuraeva Gulbahor Bakhshillaevna , Bukhara State Medical Institute Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Uzbekistan


This technology of learning makes the student learn not just to cram the textbooks and reference books, but also to understand independently the information sought, to find the necessary knowledge. At the same time, he has a feeling of satisfaction from the work done, and the knowledge that he has gained is firmly deposited in his memory. At the end of the time allotted for the study of the module, it is necessary to check the received knowledge, their completeness and compliance with the task.


Modular training, modular program,, medicine, form of classes.


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Zhuraeva Gulbahor Bakhshillaevna. (2020). The Course Of Pathological Anatomy In A Modular System, As A New Teaching Technology In A Medical University. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 122–126.