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Research Of Training Loads On The Simulator “Concept -2” In The Preparation Of Youth In Academic Rowing

Zikirillo Nasrullaevich Azimov , Uzbek State University Of Physical Culture And Sports, Uzbekistan


The article studies the features of the research of training loads on the simulator “concept -2” in the preparation of youthin academic rowing . Academic rowing refers to cyclical sports, which are characterized by a significant display of endurance and speed-power abilities. The complex development of these abilities requires the use of a wide range of training tools and methods.


Physical, Concept -2, Sigma Sport, rowing, Microcycles, training, competitions, distance, Analysis, youth


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Zikirillo Nasrullaevich Azimov. (2020). Research Of Training Loads On The Simulator “Concept -2” In The Preparation Of Youth In Academic Rowing. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 104–109.