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The Influence Of Central Asian Cobra Poison On The Activity Of Rothenon Sensitive And Insensitive Over.H-Oxidase Of Rat Liver Mitochondria And Their Correction With Flavosan (Flateron)

M. M. Mamajanov , Ph.D, Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of Physiology And Fundamentals Of Valeology, Namangan State University


In the presence of cobra venom, the rate of NAD.H oxidation along the internal pathway of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is suppressed, and the rate of NAD.H oxidation along the external pathway increases. These changes occur against the background of cytochrome c deserption from the inner mitochondrial membrane and a significant increase in the process of mitochondrial lipid peroxidation. These facts indicate that when animals are poisoned with cobra venom, profound disturbances are observed in the system of oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport chain. The introduction of flavosan into the body of animals poisoned with cobra venom leads to an increase in the rate of NAD.H oxidation along the internal pathway of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and suppression of the rate of NAD.H oxidation through the external pathway.


Cobra venom, poison, the rate of NAD.H oxidation, mitochondrial respiratory chain, inner itochondrial membrane, mitochondrial lipid peroxidation


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M. M. Mamajanov. (2020). The Influence Of Central Asian Cobra Poison On The Activity Of Rothenon Sensitive And Insensitive Over.H-Oxidase Of Rat Liver Mitochondria And Their Correction With Flavosan (Flateron). The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 96–103.