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The Role Of Human Healthy And Safe Lifestyle In The Period Of Global Pandemic-Covid 19

Ochilova Nurbibi Rakhimova , Senior Lecturer Of The Faculty Of Natural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Tolibova Zevar Hojiyevna , Lecturers Of The Faculty Of Natural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Karshiyeva Dilovar Rustamovna , Lecturers Of The Faculty Of Natural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the role and actuality of human health and safe lifestyle in the period of global outbreak as well as provides the simplest tips on maintaining daily healthy and safe lifestyle.


Safety, safety of human life, healthy lifestyle


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Ochilova Nurbibi Rakhimova, Tolibova Zevar Hojiyevna, & Karshiyeva Dilovar Rustamovna. (2020). The Role Of Human Healthy And Safe Lifestyle In The Period Of Global Pandemic-Covid 19. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 78–81.