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Classification Of Gastronomy Units

Nurkhon Nuraliyevna Rasulova , 2-Course Master's Degree, National University Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In this article, the units of gastronomy are classified. In the process of classification, attention is paid to the information about the dishes and foods of the Turkic peoples in M. Kashgari's "Devonu lug'otit turk". Gastronomy is an important part of the lexical richness of the peoples of the East, including the Uzbek people. It reflects the national qualities of the Uzbeks. Applying to gastronomic units is not only interesting but also very relevant in the study of the Uzbek language.


Gastronomy, M.Kashgari, Devonu lug'otit turk, food, delicacies, bakery products, dairy products, meat products, confectionery, beverages, spices, objective and subjective factors


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Nurkhon Nuraliyevna Rasulova. (2020). Classification Of Gastronomy Units. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 52–56.