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Experimental Studies Of Shirt Tissue Structure

Izatillayev Muzaffarkhon Musohon Ugli , Researcher, Department Of Technology Of Products Of Textile Industry, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan


The article examines the properties of existing and new tissue samples. It has also been studied that the manufacture, structure and characteristics of fabric are directly related to the properties of the backing yarns used in it and that the shortening of the backing yarns increases as the weave modulus of the support yarns increases. The breathability, strength and abrasion resistance of the new fabric were studied and the cost-effectiveness was calculated.


Body, compression, elongation, fabric, friction, mechanical, physical, strength, structure and characteristics of fabric, weft


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Izatillayev Muzaffarkhon Musohon Ugli. (2020). Experimental Studies Of Shirt Tissue Structure. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 44–51.