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Features Of The Reaction Of The Cardiorespiratory System Of Children To Dynamic And Isometric Load In The Republic Of Karakalpakstan

N.P. Mirametova , Doctor Of Philosophy, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Nukus, Uzbekistan
G.N. Taumuratova , Doctoral Student, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Nukus, Uzbekistan


The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism of children to various types of activity. The analysis showed that the girls had a significant increase in stroke and minute blood volume, as well as an increase in systolic, diastolic and pulse blood pressure. In boys, these changes were less pronounced.


Karakalpakstan, cardiorespiratory system, physical activity, mechanoreceptors, blood pressure


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N.P. Mirametova, & G.N. Taumuratova. (2020). Features Of The Reaction Of The Cardiorespiratory System Of Children To Dynamic And Isometric Load In The Republic Of Karakalpakstan. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(11), 23–27.