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Classification Of Isoxynoline Alkaloides By Structure And Effect

Xazratqulova I , Master's Degree From Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Xazratqulov Z , Student Of Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


The chemistry of pyridine and its partially or completely hydrogenated analogues, used in various fields, is one of the fastest growing fields of interest for chemists and pharmacologists. Pyridine, pyridine, and tetrahydroisoquinoline rings are the major fragments of many natural and synthetic biologically active substances. Quaternary pyridinium salts are widely used as alkylating agents, interfacial migration catalysts, antiseptics, ionic liquids as surfactants and anticorrosives.

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  4. Tolkunov V.S., Shishkin O.V., Zubatyuk R.I., Perepichka I.F., Dulenko V.I. Unusual Double 'O/N to N/O' Recyclization of 5-Alkyl-7,8-dimethoxy-2- aiylbenzo[d]pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrylium Perchlorates into 5-Alkyl-7,8-dimethoxy-2- arylfuro[253-c]isoquinolines.//Synlett.-2005.-N°6.-P.1036-1038.
  5. Achenbach, H., Hemrich, H., 1991. Constituents of tropical medicinal plants. Part 40.Alkaloids, flavonoids and phenylpropanoids of the West African plant Oxymitra velutina. Phytochemistry 30, 1265–1267.
  6. Al-Wakeel, S.A.M., Moubasher, M.H., Roberts, M.F., 1995. Alkaloids fromGlaucium corniculatum(L.) of gyptian origin. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 23, 337–338


Isoquinoline and many of its derivatives have different biological activities


DjoulDj., MillsK.//Vkn .: Chemistry of heterocyclic associations.M .: Mir.-2004.-SL99.

Kuznetsov E. V., Pruchkin D. V., Dorofeenko G. N.// XGS-1974.-№ 2.- P. 181.

Bringmann G., Gulder Т., Reichert M., Meyer F. Ancisheynine, the First N, Coupled Naphthylisoquinoline Alkaloid: Total Synthesis and Stereochemical Analysis.//Org.Lett.-2006.-V.8.-N°6.-P.1037-1040.

Tolkunov V.S., Shishkin O.V., Zubatyuk R.I., Perepichka I.F., Dulenko V.I. Unusual Double 'O/N to N/O' Recyclization of 5-Alkyl-7,8-dimethoxy-2- aiylbenzo[d]pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrylium Perchlorates into 5-Alkyl-7,8-dimethoxy-2- arylfuro[253-c]isoquinolines.//Synlett.-2005.-N°6.-P.1036-1038.

Achenbach, H., Hemrich, H., 1991. Constituents of tropical medicinal plants. Part 40.Alkaloids, flavonoids and phenylpropanoids of the West African plant Oxymitra velutina. Phytochemistry 30, 1265–1267.

Al-Wakeel, S.A.M., Moubasher, M.H., Roberts, M.F., 1995. Alkaloids fromGlaucium corniculatum(L.) of gyptian origin. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 23, 337–338

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Xazratqulova I, & Xazratqulov Z. (2020). Classification Of Isoxynoline Alkaloides By Structure And Effect. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), 132–135.