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Stratigraphic Characteristic Devon System Of Mountain Kuldzhuktau (South Tian-Shan)

Nodir Khairullaevich Davlatov , Head Of The Stratigraphic Party "Regional Geological Survey Expedition" Under The Committee Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan For Geology And Mineral Resources, Uzbekistan


This article presents the results of long-term stratigraphic studies on the territory of the Kuldzhuktau mountains. Schemes for the division and correlation of Devonian deposits have been created based on complete biostratigraphic data that most effectively reflect the geological age of local stratigraphic units and their reliable correlation with geological age. The tier units of the International Devonian Stratigraphic Scale are substantiated at the present stage of research.

Due to the widespread use of conodonts, it was possible to clarify the physical and age volumes, as well as the sequence of Devonian deposits in the territory of Kuldzhuktau, and almost completely reconstruct the Devonian section.


Devonian, stage, straton


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Nodir Khairullaevich Davlatov. (2020). Stratigraphic Characteristic Devon System Of Mountain Kuldzhuktau (South Tian-Shan). The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), 100–112.