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Depth Faults Along The Regmatic Network Of The Chatkalo-Kuramin Region And Their Relationship With Seismicity

Madinabonu Zaxritdinovna Fazliddinova , Master student, Faculty of Geology and Geographic Information Systems National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan
Akram Bayramovich Goipov , Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in geological and mineralogical sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Geology and Geographic Information Systems National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan
Maftuna Asad qizi Saidova , Head of Cabinet Department of Earth Remote Sensing and Engineering Geology, University of Geological Sciences, Uzbekistan


Lineaments were identified using LANDSAT-8 satellite images and digital elevation models obtained from the ASTER GDEM satellite over the Chatkal-Kuramin region. Taking into account the stock materials and a comprehensive analysis of the results of processing remote sensing data, a map of lineaments of a 1: 100,000 regmatic network was compiled. Based on the automated visual lineament analysis in the Geomatica PCI program, lineaments of the regmatic network were obtained, which are located in the focal zones of strong earthquakes.


Space images, ASTER, seismic lineament


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Madinabonu Zaxritdinovna Fazliddinova, Akram Bayramovich Goipov, & Maftuna Asad qizi Saidova. (2020). Depth Faults Along The Regmatic Network Of The Chatkalo-Kuramin Region And Their Relationship With Seismicity. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), 68–76.