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Failure Mechanism Of Bending Reinforced Concrete Elements Under The Action Of Transverse Forces

Mirzaakhmedova Ugiloy Abdukhalimjohnovna , A Senior Teacher, The Department Of Construction Of Buildings And Structures, Faculty Of Construction, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana City, Uzbekistan


The article under discussion reveals the formation and development of inclined sections in bent reinforced concrete elements under the action of transverse forces. It is established that the strength of the bending element depends on the shape of destruction. Criterion of strength in a flat stress-strain state has been used to evaluate the work of the bending element.  


Transverse force, bending moment, concrete


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Mirzaakhmedova Ugiloy Abdukhalimjohnovna. (2020). Failure Mechanism Of Bending Reinforced Concrete Elements Under The Action Of Transverse Forces. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(12), 36–43.