K. Norboyev , Doctor Of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Uzbekistan S. Fayziyeva , Phd Student, Samarkand State University Of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock And Biotechnologies, UzbekistanAbstract
Dyspepsia is a polyetiological disease, accompanied by digestive disorders, diarrhea, weakness, dehydration and intoxication. Treatment of calf dyspepsia should be based on the etiopathogenetic principle and should be aimed at normalizing the digestive process, eliminating dysbacteriosis, dehydration and intoxication. The research was conducted at the cattle farm "Akbar shox Shavkat" in the Pastdarom district of the Samarkand region. 3 groups of 3 calves with dyspepsia were formed [1,5,15]. Calves in the first experimental group were fasted for 8 hours and during this time 10 ml/kg (300) ml Regidron solution was administered every hourAfter the fasting period, 1/3 of the cow's milk (333 ml) + an equal amount of warm physiological solution was added, and it was rinsed 3 times a day. 40 ml of artificial gastric juice (1 g of pepsin, 1.5 NSl, 100 ml of distilled water) was injected 15 minutes before giving colostrum. Vetom 1.2 (Bacillus subtilis VKPM I-10641) probiotic 50mg/kg (2 times a day) was injected every 8 hours from the second day of treatment until the clinical symptoms disappeared. Calves in the second experimental group were fed differently from the first experimental group 1.2. probiotic 50mg/kg (4 times a day) was administered every 6 hours, and citrated blood from additional cows was injected intramuscularly at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg (3 times in total). Calves in the third control group were treated in traditional ways: during 8 hours of fasting, they were fed 1 liter of warm physiological solution 4 times. Macrolan antibiotic was injected at a dose of 1 ml/10 kg once daily for 5 days. The best result was shown in the calves of the second experimental group. Treatment of dyspepsia in such a complex way reduces metabolic acidosis, intoxication, dehydration by correcting electrolyte imbalance in the body, improves digestion by normalizing intestinal biocenosis, and treats dysbacteriosis.
Diarrhea, intoxication, immunodeficiency, enzyme deficiency
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