Unsaturated Fat Substance In Milk Of Dairy Cows On A Tight Eating Routine With High Fat Substance Got From Rapeseed
Jonas Ard , University Of Veterinary And Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech RepublicAbstract
Czech Red-pied × Ayrshire × Red Holstein crossbreds, got an eating routine with either creation blend with rapeseed, rapeseed cakes and rapeseed oil (Energol; E-bunch; last feed combination with 62 g of unrefined fat per kg of dry matter, DM) or control creation blend (C-bunch; rough fat substance in all out feed blend 37 g/kg DM). Milk tests were taken on the fourteenth, 30th, 60th and 90th day of lactation, and fundamental milk constituents and unsaturated fat substance in milk not really set in stone. E-and C-bunches didn't vary in either milk yield or yield of milk fat, milk protein and lactose (P > 0.05). Lactose, calcium, milk protein and casein content expanded straightly (P < 0.05) with the expanding day of lactation both in E-milk and in C-milk. Casein content in E-milk was lower (P < 0.05) than in C-milk however all out lipid content didn't vary (P > 0.05) from that in C-milk. Dietary rapeseed diminished (P < 0.05) palmitic corrosive substance in milk by 20 rate units and simultaneously expanded (P < 0.05) oleic corrosive substance by 10 rate units in correlation with control milk; the proportion of all out C16/complete C18 unsaturated fats was thusly twice lower (P < 0.01) in E-milk. To the extent polyunsaturated unsaturated fats (PUFA) are concerned, the substance of linoleic corrosive (LA), α-linolenic corrosive (LNA) and eicosapentaenoic + docosahexaenoic corrosive were higher (P < 0.05) in E-milk; nonetheless, the PUFAn-6/PUFAn-3 proportion was not diverse among E-and C-milk. It was presumed that 1 liter of E-milk could give 20% of both LA and LNA every day prerequisite.
Nutritive Worth, Oleic Corrosive, Polyunsaturated Unsaturated Fats
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