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Blood Indications In Echinococcosis Of Large Horned Animals

Khidir Yuldashovich Arziev , Candidate Of Veterinary Sciences, Senior Research Fellow Veterinary Research Institute, Uzbekistan
Shomurod Makhmudovich Rasulov , Senior Research Fellow Department Of Epidemiology, Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Mansur Salomatovich Togaymurodov , Assistant Department Of Zooengineering, Veterinary And Silkworm Breeding Termez Branch Of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan


This article presents the results of studying the prevalence of echinococcosis among large horned animals in the Samarkand and Surkhandarya regions and hematological blood parameters in animals heavily or weakly infected with echinococcus in the wild. In Samarkand region, 8.8% of cattle were infected with echinococci, and in Surkhandarya region - 14.3%. Decrease in the amount of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood of cattle infected with echinococcosis (20-30%), increase in the number of leukocytes by 30-55%, and a significant increase in the number of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the leukoform, a decrease in neutrophils compared to control (3.25-6.5%). lymphocytes increased by 5.3-15.3%.


Veterinary, parasite, helminth, deworming, prophylaxis, oncosphere, larvae,, protoscolex, praziquantel, piperazine, febantel,, arecoline, preparation, echinococcosis, phenasal, pyrantel, bunamidine, mebendazole, nitroscanate, fenbendazo, fenbenda politrem.


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Khidir Yuldashovich Arziev, Rasulov, S. M. . ., & Mansur Salomatovich Togaymurodov. (2021). Blood Indications In Echinococcosis Of Large Horned Animals. The American Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Wildlife Discovery, 3(01), 9–15.