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Objective Signs Of The Conclusion Of Transactions Contrary To The Interests Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan

Shodmon Alisherovich Ashurov , Master Student Of Tashkent, State Law University, Uzbekistan


This article provides a legal analysis of the corpus delicti of transactions, contrary to the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and examines in detail the objective signs. In particular, such concepts as object, subject, interests, types of criminal object, damage and its types are analyzed. The opinions and approaches of foreign and domestic scientists on this matter were also taken into account. In addition, it is noted that the public danger of making transactions contrary to the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan lies in the fact that when committing a crime, not only the rights of individuals are violated, but also damage to society as a whole. In addition, during the transitional period of the life of society and the state, the number of crimes of this kind grows rapidly and can cause significant damage to the economic foundations of the state. The final section contains suggestions and recommendations for eliminating negative factors.


Crime, socially dangerous, object of crime


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Shodmon Alisherovich Ashurov. (2021). Objective Signs Of The Conclusion Of Transactions Contrary To The Interests Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(05), 59–67.